Daddies Taboo Read online

Page 4

  Olivia felt herself blush at Jacobs words.

  "Well thank you. You aren't so bad yourself."

  Jake laughed then rolled off Olivia. Just like when he fucked her, he no more than rolled off of Olivia and she was up getting dressed.

  "You are leaving again?"

  "Yep, maybe someday I will stay in bed with you." Olivia winked at Jake then was out the door and back out to the couch.

  Olivia was gone before Jake ever climbed out of bed the next morning. He did find his sisters phone just lying around that day and got Olivia's number out of it. Over the next few weeks Jacob texted Olivia a lot but between her work schedule and his and other things going on, they didn't get to spend any time together and before they knew it Jacob was back at college, then Olivia was back in high school.

  It was a Friday night and Olivia was at the football game just like every Friday. Jeana had blown her and the game off to go out with her boyfriend, so Olivia was at the game by herself. She had gone up into the bleachers with the student section for awhile, but then she saw some of her friends from Jeana's class that had just graduated, so she went down and stood with them along the fence around the track and field. While she stood there and talked to her friends someone snuck up behind her. The next thing she knew someone's hand was over her eyes and an arm was around her waist.

  Jacob hated that he didn't even get to talk to Olivia in person again before he went back to college. He loved making love to her but he loved just being with her even more. When he made that realization while at college he actually realized that he didn't just like Olivia, but was in love with her, and he missed her. So he was going to go home and tell her just how he felt. He knew she would be at the football game because that is just what you did in the small town they were from. When he saw her standing in a group of friends his breath caught. She was just the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was nervous but he had to tell her how he felt. Standing there with his hand over her eyes, his arm around her waist and her body against his he knew that this was right.

  Olivia was immediately scared and her senses were on high alert. But then she took a deep breath and she recognized the faint scent of cologne mixed with the pure scent of a male and knew it was Jake before he even whispered in her ear, "Miss me?" She felt her self choke up because, oh god did she miss him. She whispered back,


  Jake felt her body relax before he even said anything to her. When she whispered his name he took his hand off of her eyes and his arm off of her waist. When she turned around he saw the tears in her eyes, but he could swear the light in them was brighter than usual and he could see the excitement. He didn't have to say anything because in the split second it took her to turn around and for him to read her eyes she was in his arms with her arms around him. He stood there hugging her and he didn't want to let go. Her head was on his shoulder with her nose nuzzled into his neck and he had his cheek resting on her head inhaling the smell of her shampoo. After a few minutes he whispered to her,

  "Liv, I think we need to talk."

  Her head snapped up the minute she heard him say he thinks they need to talk. She had finally felt so at home when he wrapped his arms around her. Olivia's mind was whirling. Had she been wrong about what she felt, about what she thought he felt too, had he met someone back at college already?

  Jake saw the worry immediately enter Olivia's eyes. He smiled at her and whispered again, "Its nothing bad so don't worry." From behind them he heard someone clear their throat. Olivia turned around and smiled at her friends. As she did she slid her hand down Jake's arm and put her hand in his. She didn't introduce him as her boyfriend but her hand was in his and they had just seen the way she hugged him and he knew that spoke for its self.

  Olivia told her friends who Jake was, and then she excused them. She walked off with Jake towards the exit to the football field, her hand still in his. As they walked towards his car Jake raised there hands and looked at Olivia.

  "Are you ok with this?"

  "I'm the one who put my hand in yours aren't I?"

  "Yes, you are."

  They got to Jake's car and before he let Olivia in he pinned her to the side of the car and wrapped his arms around her waist. She put her hands on his arms and looked up at him.

  "What's wrong Jake? You look nervous."

  "I'm fine....well maybe a little nervous."

  "You are still nervous around me? I thought we took care of that problem."

  Jake and Olivia both laughed, then he got serious again.

  "Liv, I love you. Making love to you was great, and so was all the texting we did over the last month. But when I left for college I was bummed that we hadn't gotten to spend any more time together. And I don't just mean time to make love. I meant even time to just be together and talk. I love just being near you, and when I realized that, I realized I don't just like you, Liv, I love you. I had to come home and tell you."

  Jake looked down at Olivia and saw her eyes twinkle, and then fill with tears and she looked down. It was Jacobs turn to be worried. Did Olivia just like him to make love to her, had she gotten involved with one of her classmates, what was wrong?

  Olivia had to look down as Jake finished telling her that he loved her because she didn't want him to see her cry. When the tears wouldn't stop she looked back up at him. She saw the worry in his eyes and the hurt. She smiled at him and reached up and put her hand on his cheek.

  "Oh Jake, You have no idea how happy you just made me."

  With just those words she saw the worry and hurt in his eyes change to hope.

  "Making love to you was amazing, but I love just being with you as much as I love making love to you. I was sad too that we didn't get to spend more time together before you went back to college. I realized the night I thought you had been out with another girl and that I wasn't good enough for you that I loved you. I just didn't want to be a typical girl with a crush on a guy and tell you I loved you. I haven't been myself since you went back to college Jake. I need you, because I love you too."

  The tears were still streaming down Olivia's cheeks but she was grinning at Jacob and he was grinning back. As soon as she said "I love you too." Jake kissed Olivia with so much passion. She though she had seen all the passion he had but apparently she had just gotten the tip of the ice burg.

  When they finally broke the kiss Jake looked down at Olivia and asked,

  "Do you want to go back to my place?"

  "Sure." Olivia replied

  "I don't mean go back to my place to make love, I want to curl up together on my bed and watch a movie. Do something a normal couple would do."

  Olivia grinned at Jake.

  "I would love to."

  They climbed in Jacob's car and drove the short distance to his house. When they walked in his mom and step-dad were sitting in the living room watching T.V. They had known Olivia as long as Jake did so it didn't surprise them to see her in their house but it did surprise them to see her with Jake.

  Before Jake's mom realized Olivia had her hand in Jakes she started to say,

  "Oh, Olivia Jean...."

  Then she smiled and asked,

  "Is there something the two of you would like to tell us?"

  Jacob looked down at Olivia and she nodded her head giving him permission to tell them.

  "Mom, Olivia and I have been kind of seeing each other secretly all summer. Well I came home tonight because I realized that I love her and I just had to come home and tell her."

  Jake smiled down at Olivia then she added,

  "It was such a relief to hear him tell me he loves me, because I'm in love with him too. Just please don't say anything to Jeana yet, I want to be the one to tell her."

  Olivia said pleading. She was kind of bewildered because Jake's mom was grinning at them like the cat that swallowed the canary. Then she said,

  "I have always seen the sparks between you two and wondered when you would see them for yourselves. I am so happy for the two o
f you! I swear I won't say a word to Jeana."

  "Thanks Mom." Jacob said. Then he escorted Olivia to the basement. They got to his room and Jake asked Olivia,

  "What do you want to watch?"

  Olivia responded,

  "I really don't care Jake. I just want to be cuddled up to you."

  Jacob smiled and came and climbed in bed with Olivia.

  "We will just see what movies are playing on T.V. tonight then."

  Jake flipped through the channels for awhile then finally stopped on something. Olivia didn't care what it was. She just loved her legs tangled with Jakes, her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. The next thing Olivia knew she woke up. When she looked at Jake he was sleeping too. After her eyes adjusted she looked at Jakes alarm clock and saw that it said midnight. She gently climbed out of bed and snuck out of his room to the bathroom. She got a drink when she was finished in the rest room. As she stood there she looked outside and noticed that Jeana and her boyfriends cars were in the driveway. She knew the confrontation she hadn't been looking forward to would come in the morning. But when she thought about Jake sleeping a few feet away and that he was in love with her, she knew the fight was totally worth it.

  Olivia snuck back into Jake's room as quietly as she had left it. She got an idea when she came back into the room and began to put it in motion. She rummaged as quietly as she could through Jacob's closet until she found 2 of his ties, she then crawled back into bed with Jake. She started sucking his ear lobe as she gently took Jake's right arm and raised it above his head. She then used one of the ties and tied it around his wrist then tied it to the head board. She stopped sucking Jake's ear long enough to tie his right arm just as she had done his left. Olivia went back to sucking Jake's ear lobe and kissing down his neck. She felt him start to stir so she whispered,

  "Wakey, Wakey Jakey."

  She watched the smile start to appear on his face as he remembered that he was in bed with her. He then tried to move to see what time it was and that was when he realized his arms were tied up. He looked from arm to arm then at Olivia.

  "Umm, what is this all about?"

  Olivia grinned at him and said,

  "Just something I'm trying out."

  Olivia climbed over Jake straddling his hips then bent down and kissed him. She kissed down his throat and as she did, she put her hands on his shirt and slowly started to unbutton it. Wherever a button had been buttoned Olivia kissed that spot when she unbuttoned it. Once Jakes shirt was undone she pushed it open and sucked on each of his nipples, nipping them and flicking them with her tongue. She kissed down the middle of his chest then followed his happy trail down his stomach. Jake thought she was going to give him another incredible blow job.

  Olivia unbuckled Jake's pants and yanked to get them down. Jake did help by raising his hips for her. Just to see how much Olivia could get Jake going she started at his ankles and kissed up each one of his legs, all the way up his thighs. She wrapped her hand around Jakes cock and raised it as she made her way up Jakes right thigh. Olivia moved right from his thigh to his balls and started to kiss them. Jake immediately started moaning and she could feel him trying to fight the ties to be able to move his hands. Olivia smiled as she took one then the other of Jake's balls in her mouth and sucked them. She then slid her tongue up the underside of Jake's cock then captured it in her mouth. She slowly took him into her mouth, sucking his whole cock not just his head this time. She went down until Jake's whole cock was in her mouth and looked up to see him really struggling against the ties. Olivia slid her mouth off of Jake's cock and looked up at him smiling.

  "You want those off?"

  "Oh God yes." Jake said.

  "I want to see how long it takes before you beg me to let you touch me." Olivia said as she climbed back up Jake's body. Slowly she removed her shirt then her bra and dropped them on the floor. She stood up over Jake and removed her shorts and thong then kicked them to the floor with her other clothes. She came back down and straddled Jake's hips and started grinding hers into his. Olivia heard Jake plead,

  :"Oh God Liv, please let me touch you."

  Olivia smiled at him but shook her head no. After a few minutes of grinding against him Olivia moved forward and put her pussy in front of Jake's face.

  "Jake baby, eat me out a little please."

  Jake raised his head and stuck his tongue out. He started to lick up and down Olivia's slit. She was already so wet and tasted so good. Jake just wanted to pull her down on his face but he couldn't with his damn hands ties up. He ate her out the best he could with no hands.

  Soon Olivia scooted back down Jacob's body and he moaned so loud when he felt Olivia's pussy lips come in contact with his cock. Slowly Olivia pushed down and Jake's cock head popped inside of her. Olivia moaned,

  "Mmmmm that feels so good. I've missed that."

  As his cock slid inside Olivia's pussy Jake begged Olivia, "Please Liv, please. Untie my hands you feel so incredible I want to be able to worship your body as you ride me."

  Olivia looked down at Jake as she started to rotate her hips around his cock. First she moved in circles, then in figure 8's as she rotated her hips and ground them down against Jake's pelvis. Having his whole cock inside her was like heaven for Olivia. She heard Jake start to plead again,

  "Oh God baby please, please let me touch you."

  Olivia could tell that Jake was desperate. His plea came out almost in a scream.

  "Say my name."

  "Ohhh Liv."

  "Louder baby."


  Olivia smiled as Jake was screaming and moaning. She leaned down and kissed him as she reached up and untied one hand, then the other.

  The minute his hands were free, Jake ran his hands up and down Olivia's arms and sides. He cupped each breast and massaged it in his hands while he rubbed her nipples with his thumbs. As he did Olivia started to ride him hard and fast, up and down. Jake moved his hands down to Olivia's firm round ass and helped her ride him up and down. Jake loved watching Olivia ride him, the way her breasts bounced, and just the feel of her being in control and setting the pace.

  Olivia loved teasing Jake but god she loved his hands on her. He was touching and caressing her in all the right ways. She started riding him even faster rocking her hips forward and back as she rode him. Olivia reached between them and started to rub her own clit as she fucked Jake.

  Jake saw Olivia start to rub her own clit and thought "how sexy is she?" He also saw her breathing change and felt her body start to go rigid; Jake knew Olivia was about to cum which was ok with him because he didn't think he could hold his own orgasm off any longer.

  As Olivia rubbed her clit and looked down into Jake's smoke filled eyes she felt his cock get even harder inside of her if that was possible and she could feel it pulsing inside her. That was all she needed and she was over the edge into her orgasm. She heard herself scream,

  "OHHHH FUCK JAKE..... I'm CCCCCUUUUMMMMMMMMMIIIIINNNNGGG," but couldn't believe that those words had just come out of her mouth so loudly. Olivia no more than thought "was that me?" and then she was in another world as her orgasm hit its height.

  Jake felt Olivia's pussy clench around him and that was all it took; he was sending spurt after spurt of his own cum into Olivia. He returned Olivia's declaration with his own, yelling, "OHHHH FUCK BABY ME TO....I"M CUMMING TOO."

  Olivia slowly came down from her orgasm and collapsed on top of Jake. When he too had returned to earth, he wrapped his arms around Olivia and turned them onto their sides. Jake felt his cock slowly soften and slip out of Olivia which saddened him a bit because he loved being inside her, but he was happy just having her in his arms. Jake kissed Olivia softly over and over and they both drifted back to sleep.

  The next morning Olivia woke to the smell of coffee wafting down the stairs from the kitchen. She curled up to Jake kissed him and nuzzled her nose into Jake's neck. She whispered,

  "Hey sleep
y head wake up."

  Jake felt something stir next to him, then he felt the kiss and could smell her shampoo as she nuzzled into his neck. He smiled at the memory of the events of the evening and night before, and from just waking up with Olivia in his arms. He whispered back to her with his eyes still closed,

  "I don't want to. I'm afraid I'm dreaming."

  Olivia giggled then said, "Trust me, you aren't dreaming." Then she pinched him for good measure.

  Jake rubbed his arm where Olivia pinched him, then opened his eyes and looked at her.

  "What was that for?"

  "To prove you aren't dreaming."

  Jake smiled then leaned down and kissed Olivia softly but passionately.

  "Good morning beautiful, I'm so glad I'm not dreaming!"

  Olivia and Jake got up and got dressed then before they left the room Olivia turned and looked at Jake.

  "Are you ready for the war?"

  Jake looked at Olivia confused,

  "The war? What are you talking about?"

  "I got up last night and used the bathroom before I came back and tied you up. When I looked out the window, I noticed your sister's car was home."

  "Ohhh." Jake said then took both of Olivia's hands in his.

  "I'm ready for anything as long as at the end I still have you. The question is, are you ready Liv?"

  Olivia smiled at Jake's sweet words then answered him.

  "If Jeana can't accept that we are in love and that I'm dating you, then she wasn't a real friend to begin with. I'm going to be with you no matter what she says or thinks."

  With that said Jake opened the door and the two of them walked hand in hand up the stairs and into the kitchen. Jake grabbed them both a cup of coffee then they walked into the dining room. When Jeana saw them, her mouth hit the floor.

  Olivia looked at Jeana right away and said "Jeana, before you say anything hear us out. I have liked your brother for a long time and truth be told we have been kind of seeing each other all summer. We were both sad when he went back to college because we hadn't gotten to spend much time together since we were trying to keep us quiet."